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Smoking Meat 101

The early men were the first to discover meat smoking as a means of preservation. Now that we have refrigeration, meat smoking is no longer a means of preservation. Nowadays, we only smoke meat for the flavoring. This does not mean that meat smoking has gotten any more straightforward than it was. Irrespective of your experience in meat smoking, read more now to find out all you need about it.

A hole in the ground can act as a smoker. However, setting it up may be a bit challenging, so it’s to better buy a smoker from the store. If it is your very first time and you are just trying out meat smoking, you could use your charcoal grill for now. With that in mind, read more now for awesome tips for meat smoking.

One of the key determinants of the outcome of the process is the type of smoker you use. Smokers range from electric smokers, wood smokers, gas smokers, wood smokers to charcoal smokers. You should read more now to find out how they differ. For the most flavorful meat, you might want to go with wood smokers. Electric smokers, though easy to use, are the least affordable and might not give the desired tastiness. You should also consider the quality of the smoker you are getting.

You should then find a good spot for your smoker. Your smoker should be kept away from rain, snow or strong winds. Common smoker spots include verandahs, gazebos and terraces. Additionally, smokers should be kept far from flammable stuff to ensure safety. Read more now about all safety measures you need to put in place when using a smoker.

Ensure you do not smoke the meat for too long. Smoking the meat longer than necessary totally ruins the flavor. Smoking time should not be more than half the cooking time.

The right smoking temperature is also very crucial to the whole process. As a rule of thumb, the maximum temperature should be 220 degrees. Using high temperatures will only rush the process, and yet it is supposed to be slow and delicate. To regulate the temperature and keep the meat tender, it is advisable to have a tray of water.

Hopefully, these tips have encouraged you to give the art of meat smoking a try. You cannot run out of information on meat smoking so read more now and watch your skill improve tremendously.