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Tips on Text Message Marketing.

The sharing of short messages was made possible via the default messaging software in mobile phones before the development of internet-based messaging apps. Many adults now have access to a mobile phone device and this can come in handy if you are looking to send a text message to them. Below are some tips on text message marketing if you are looking to use the technique for advertising your brand.
Knowledge and understanding of your audience is very important if you are looking to employ text messaging as your marketing means. During interactions with the potential clients, take a step of asking them if they would like to be added in your text message list and also ensure that they are informed on the content they will be receiving from you. Create prompts for your clients which allow them to accept or decline on being members of your text list in subscriptions and this will see you avoid any legal issues.
An essential aspect of message advertising is timing. Appropriate timing is very important and you need to try and avoid sending messages too early in the morning or too late in the evening. The most appropriate time to send the message is later in the morning as this will see your clients react to them. The frequency at which you send your clients messages is also an important timing factor. Send few and well-timed messages and in turn you will avoid annoying the clients on your list which may see them block them. The best frequency of sending a message is once every week.
Make sure that the messages you send out to clients are clear and concise. It is recommended that you limit your message characters to a hundred and sixty characters. Long texts above a hundred and sixty characters are expensive to send as they break down for easy delivery and the break down may distort some of the content of the message. It is also a wise move that you include a solid call action to your text message for easy contacts such as a mobile phone number or a URL to your brands website. You can keep your clientele interested by ensuring that you keep up with new trends and also ensure that your messages are varied.
Lastly, make sure that your audience can freely opt out of your message subscriptions whenever they want to leave. The law requires that you provide your clients with a way of subscribing out of your service. Regular assessments of your results should be done so as to ascertain that you are meeting your set objectives.

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