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How to Keep Your Truck Running Smoothly.

More than 1 million deaths are been caused by road traffic accidents. These deaths have mostly been contributed to vehicle system failure and defects. If you are a truck driver, you can reduce most of these failures by doing maintenance on your truck. Your truck life span increases by doing regular maintenance on your truck. To keep your truck running properly, below is a truck maintenance checklist.

It is recommended you have the engine of your truck cleaned regularly. Dirt and debris can accumulate and clog your engine, if you fail to clean it regularly. This can damage your truck components, hence affecting its performance and road life. When you clean your engine, you can easily see any leaks that need to be fixed. Here is a truck troubleshooting guide that you can use to identify engine problems.

By checking the fluids on your truck, you will know when they are about to run out. Your engine coolant can become acidic and become damaged, if its not changed regularly. When choosing a coolant, ensure you use the right one.

Checking is the window washer is full is also important.

It is advisable you change the engine oil, if you want to accomplish engine fuel efficiency. The engine oil can overheat and get damaged, if the oil is below the minimum. If the oil has particles and it does not feel sleek and smooth on your fingers, then components of your oil engine are wearing down. Doing an oil change is advisable, if the oil color is dark or black. You should be careful you don’t pick the wrong oil for your truck.

Having the air and oil filters of your truck changed regularly is important. Through the air filter there is enough oxygen, which is used to break the fuel to power. Oil filters ensure the engine components are working smoothly.

Another truck maintenance tip is rotation and balancing the tires. If you don’t rotate the tires, your truck tires will wear out unevenly. Balancing the tires of your truck, prevents increased wear on your suspension.

Also, it is important you assess your lights. Having the lights of your truck working perfectly is important.
In addition, inspect the wheel-end, by doing so you increase safety and maximizes the road performance.
By cleaning the exterior of your truck, you maintain its paint. To avoid damaging the paint, ensure you are using the right materials to clean.

A manufacturer’s manual will have several tips on how you can do truck maintenance by yourself.

Lastly, it is important you schedule a complete truck inspection to be done by a car expert.