Different Constructed Styles for Retaining Wall Construction
The construction industry makes heavy use of retaining wall construction, which includes the construction of retaining walls within the earth. Typically, the concrete is cast into mold molds to produce the concrete retaining wall form. The molds are typically made of polystyrene or polyurethane and then filled with concrete to achieve the desired shape of the wall. To make sure that the concrete stays in its place, pressure is applied to the molds. In general, concrete Masonry units (CMUs) are made from Portland cement, aggregate such as gravel, stones, and even water.
Natural Stone Aggregates: Natural stone materials include granite, limestone, travertine, and fieldstone. These materials are all used for various types of stone retaining wall construction. Commonly, natural stone components are used to provide natural-looking walls that match the natural landscape, but at a much lower cost. Some people opt for using natural stone materials in combination with other types of materials. For instance, some people may combine granite and fieldstone in order to create a more pleasing, yet affordable, design.
Slopes: A slope is defined as the graded surface on which a building or structure is placed. Generally, buildings are built on sloping sites because the slope offers an easier and safe way to construct a structure against the incline. Generally, the slope should be enough so that a retaining wall will be able to hold up to the increased amount of force that is placed upon it. If the slope is too steep, a building can collapse, causing severe damage.
Determining the Amount of Pressure Needed to Hold the Wall in Place: Typically, buildings will utilize two types of retaining walls: vertical and horizontal. Vertical walls will generally have a bottom block, which is then used to help maintain a prescribed level. Horizontal blocks will be used to help with maintaining a constant slope.
The uses for Concrete Block Retaining Walls are limited only by the design of the structure. In general, these structures are placed on a flat, level area. They are commonly used for industrial purposes, where they are needed for a variety of purposes, including road construction and highway maintenance. Since concrete blocks are one of the most durable materials, they can be used to create structures that are difficult to damage, making them ideal for the needs of industries and other institutions. However, in terms of eco-friendly building options, concrete walls are often used to construct greenhouses and workshops, creating a safer environment for employees and homeowners.
When it comes to the design of retaining walls, it is best to keep in mind the purpose for which they will be utilized. For instance, if the structure is to provide an area for parking vehicles, then the height should be smaller than that of other structures. Likewise, if the structure is needed to create a slope, then the blocks should be designed in such a way that they do not block the view. This will ensure that the setup is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.