Study: My Understanding of

How to Live Life Happily and Successfully

Life can be complicated for some people in different ways. But there are also others who are happy regardless of how they live their lives. Every person is responsible for their own life. There are those who do not take pleasure in accomplishing their responsibilities. If life is lived in that way, then life will become bitter to those individuals. If you are not happy by the way you live your life, you should consider looking at people around you. There are those who share the same lifestyle as you and even others who are live extremely hard conditions but who are happy no matter what. If so, then you can understand that real joy and happiness come from inside and not caused by external factors or conditions. People who can generate their joy and happiness from inside will always be happy. And people whose joy and happiness depend on external factors and circumstances will barely find joy even if they lead a luxurious life. Or their joy and happiness will be temporary. So, the question is how can you really have joy and happiness that does not depend on your situation and environment. Read on to understand how you can live such a life.

Life has meaning and purpose. Knowing this will help you to live happily and purposefully. In every person, there is both meaning and purpose. Each person is different in those two things and endowed with different abilities and potentials to attain their purpose of life. Unfortunately, there are those who do not know to find the meaning and purpose of their lives. These are the individuals who are often stressed and tormented by every storm of life. But whatever age one might be, one can still discover the meaning of their life and purpose of it. As the Bible says (Job 9:10) the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of him brings good judgment. Life is a gift from God. He is the designer and architect of it. For people to understand what life is all about and how to spend it, people can choose and accept to rely and depend on that God. In him, there is knowledge, wisdom, courage, strength and all other qualities that you need to live happily. There are hundreds of people who lived sadly. This is because they tried to define life in their own meaning and understanding. But they failed and got depressed. When they submitted their lives to God, they understood the meaning of life and brought solutions not only into their own lives but in the lives of others around them. In the book of Philippians 3: 7-9, Apostle Paul talks about how he discovered Christ – that he has discarded everything counting it all as garbage so that he might gain Christ Jesus. He says that the knowledge of knowing Chits has an infinite value. And then in chapter 4:11-13 of the same book, he talks about how this Christ he now knew, enables him to be content with what he has and live happily in every situation. With God, you can do great things for your family, community, and nation.

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