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What is Food Safety and why is It So Important

Food safety involves the process of preparation, handling, and storage of food to decrease the chances of infecting people with food-borne illnesses. Food safety is a universal concern which entails different parts of our regular lives.

There is a high number of people who suffer from foodborne illnesses each year. Food is considered to be unsafe when it is infected with bacteria, viruses, parasites, and chemicals. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness, chills, and stomach cramps are similar symptoms which are related to unsafe food. In other reported cases, these microbes have led to the hospitalization and death of individuals.

The primary goal, when it comes to food safety, is preventing food contamination, thus resulting in food poisoning. This can be achieved through various means such as cleaning and sanitization of surfaces related to food, utensils, and equipment, maintenance of related levels of hygiene which includes washing hands, heating, cooling and storage of food with appropriate measures associated with the temperature, environment, and equipment, implementation of recommended pest control, understanding correctly, food intolerance, food poisoning, and food allergies.

Despite how you handle your food, whether it is part of your daily work or cooking at home, it is essential that you apply the food safety objectives accordingly. There are several food hazards which are associated with the food contamination of handling food, which can affect the health of individuals.

Campylobacter and Salmonella bacteria are common causes of illnesses experienced by individuals. This includes food-related viruses which are part of the diseases. Below are some of the recommended measures in handling food to prevent the spread of diseases.

Maintain Cleanliness

The bacteria in food are spread through contact when you are using your utensils and with your hands. Remember to always wash your hand thoroughly with soap and water before handling food. To get rid of contamination, it is highly recommended that individuals should make use of various bags in separating cooked and raw foods.

Separation of cooked and raw food

Raw foods such as fish, meat, and poultry are highly likely to contain the illness-causing microbes. These are later transferred to the ready-made meals through contamination or indirectly. To avoid contamination, you should try using different re-usable shopping bags for raw and ready-made foods.

Efficient cooking

When cooking food, ensure that you use hot temperatures to kill the illness-causing germs. A reliable manner of checking on the right temperature is through the use of a cooking thermometer.

Food safety is vital since it helps in protecting you from disease-causing microbes. This will keep you safe from unwanted health risks.
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