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Staying Close to God

The church is an important institution in society. It is important to attend schools and acquire the skills that are provided at school. With that skill that one has acquired from school, then one will become important in the life of the family community and country in general. Under the sun, however, everything has time to start and stop and utterly vanish. One will serve until when one becomes a retiree. And unfortunately, there are those who depart before their retirement age. Some die because of accidents and other types of death while they are still in schools. And those who outlive, they finally die. What do you know about death? There is one way to prepare for eternity. And as you know, eternity is longer than life here on the earth. The sad thing is that there are millions of individuals who do not care about their eternity! But there is no distinction, all people should prepare for eternity. Your eternity will depend on how you have prepared it while on the earth. There is no other place that you will learn about God, Jesus, the cross, death, resurrection and eternity except in the church. So, whether you have studied that in schools or not, you need to have and join a church. But after studies, you will go home and start your career. When you hear the church, you should understand the family of God and where you will find other believers. So, the church is the right family to join. In the church you will find a place for children if you have them. Joining the church will inspire your internal peace, love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control and so many other values that the world cannot impart. From then on, you will love yourself and you will love others too. Many people led the life of fear and shame and doubts and anxiety and sadness and wickedness until the day they entered the church and accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. God is patient with you so that you repent. And when he comes, he will never leave you as you were before. He will fill your emptiness. That does mean you have a place in heaven. Or maybe you are already a Christian and that you have moved into a new city. That is how you can find the church.

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